Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, June 5, 2023
I Offer You This Omnipotent Seal of God’s Protection for the Purification to Come
Message From Our Lady of Emmitsburg to Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA on June 4, 2023, Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

My dear little children praised be Jesus! I wrap you in My Motherly mantle and I offer you this omnipotent Seal of God's Protection for the Purification to come. Receive this Seal with the sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart. This Seal will protect you against God's wrath, which is coming upon Satan and his minions of evil, which are seeking to destroy humanity. On this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, purification will pass over you, your homes, refuges, and family loved ones who pray and believe.
I receive this Seal of Protection for the Purification from You, our Eternal Mother within the Divine Will, and Most Holy Trinity against all evil with the sign of the Cross on my forehead, lips, and heart, trusting in St. Joseph's care as he protected the Holy Family.
This is the second Seal of Protection which is an extension of the first Seal of Protection I gave here, at the Center of My Immaculate Heart. This Seal, through the Precious Blood of My Son, Jesus, strips evil from all weapons and authority. It covers you and protects you from all evil, and the effects from storms of all sorts, earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, and floods, along with accidents of many sorts.
Whoever has believed in My special presence here at the Center of My Immaculate Heart and the many blessings from My Son and Our Words of Love, shall not be condemned.
Print this Seal of Protection from the Most Holy Trinity and place it on your prayer areas/altars at home, with your sacramentals, metals, rosaries, scapulars, and relics. Pray the rosary with all your heart and make the sign of the Cross on your forehead, lips, and heart.
Love, adore and bless God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Renew your FIAT with this Seal of Protection and return Love for Love. Mercy, goodness, and peace shall abound for all those who live in His Divine Will of the Most Holy Trinity.
Peace to you, My dearest children of the Most Holy Trinity.
I am here with you, at the Center of My Immaculate Heart, and I am not leaving. Ad Deum
Source: ➥